Tuesday, April 05, 2005
You Have Gotta Be Fuckin Kidding Me or What the Fuck Are They Thinking
There is a site that I regularly read www.darkhorizons.com , to see what new movies are coming up and to check on the rumours doing the rounds in the world of movies. I just read something that quite almost made my heart stop in shock and disgust. Not since I first read of Jim Carrey doing Six Million Dollar Man, or that time I thought the net was playing some kind of sick joke on me when I first read that Tom Hanks was playing the lead in The Davinci Code, did I recoil in horror from my computer moniter to such a dgree. I have just read that Justin Timberlake is a very strong contender to be in Die Hard 4, as McClane's son. What the fuck is it with these 'singers' that think they can act? Surely those sorry and sad attempts by Madonna into the movie world are enough to scare Hollywood off from any 'singer' wanting to try their hand at the art. Please please please, stop the bullshit. Stick to what you are 'good' at, all you singers. Isn't it enough to see these sports stars, singers, and five-minute wonders doing quick cameos in sit-coms, quite obviously unable to act their way out of a wet-tissue paper bag. I cannot be the only one that thinks this.